*** Youth Group Is in session now! ***

Sunday Night Youth Group


Youth Group at Ramsey Creek is a relaxed gathering of students grades 7th-12th that meets
every Sunday 5:30-7:30pm during the school year

*5:30-7:30pm  - games / activities
                            - Bible Study
                            - prayer

5:30-7:30pm is worship and Bible Study time, where students are led in an in-depth look at God's Word, focusing on how it should drive every part of life.

Despite our love for humorous games and activities, we consider our time together in God's Word to be the most fun and important part of our Youth Group gathering.

If you are interested in volunteering in this ministry or for additional information, please contact the church office at 573-973-1018.

To visit our Ramsey Creek Youth Group Facebook page click here.

To read and/or download our Youth Ministry Philosophy of Ministry and its detailed explanation click here