Who We Are

We believe the Church exists because of and for Jesus Christ. It's our desire as a part of the global Church to glorify Him in our local community, through our lives and our families.

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Our Deacons

Brock Mitchell - resides in Clarksville, MO
Curt Mitchell - resides in Clarksville, MO
James Niffen - resides in Annada, MO
Rusty Simmons - resides in Eolia, MO

Our Elders

Caleb Brown - resides in Eolia, MO
Mike Capps - resides in Eolia, MO
Jason Hamilton - resides in Bowling Green, MO
Rod Ohmes - resides in Clarksville, MO

Our Staff Pastor/Elders

Ohmes Family

Rod Ohmes

Rod grew up outside of Foley, Missouri, and was called to Ramsey Creek Baptist Church in June of 2003. He was home schooled for most of his childhood education and graduated from New Salem Baptist Church High School in Winfield, Missouri in 2000. In 2002 Rod earned an Associate of Arts degree from Saint Louis Christian College and in 2005 graduated with a B.A. in Christian Education/Youth Ministry.

After serving as Ramsey Creek’s Youth & Music Pastor for 15 years, Rod began serving as lead preaching pastor in 2018.

Rod is married to Nikki and are the blessed parents of four children - Emery, Lux, Isla and Monroe. They currently reside outside Clarksville, Missouri.

Hamilton Family

Jason Hamilton

Jason has served in several pastoral roles in northeast Missouri churches since 2005. He and his wife Charity were both raised in Missouri and love being able to serve Ramsey Creek while being near family. Family, in fact, has been their focus for the past several years. They home school their two youngest children and relish working with the families at Ramsey Creek. Since 2014, Jason has served as Ramsey Creek’s Family Pastor.

After graduating from Macon High School, Jason completed a B.S. in Human Services from Hannibal-La Grange University in 2002 and an M.A. in Biblical Counseling from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in 2005. They reside in the country, not far from Bowling Green, Missouri.

Pastors serving Ramsey Creek Baptist Church

Stephen Ruddell                        1816 – 1823
Davis Biggs                                     1823 - ?
John H. Sturgeon                   1834 - ?          
Ephraim Davis                                            ?
A. D. Landrum                             ?    – 1850
A. G. Mitchell                        1850 - 1883    
J. D. Biggs (two pastorates)   1883 - ? – 1888
J. D. Hacker                                              ?
W. J. Patrick                                    1888 - ?
M. E. Broaddus                           ?    - 1911
L. E. Martin                              1911 – 1914
T. J. Phillips                              1915 – 1920
R. I. Connelly                           1920 – 1940
Virgil Vaughn                            1940 – 1943
J. Y. Crenshaw, Jr.                   1944 – 1945
A. N. Wilkinson                       1946 – 1959
Richard Turnbull                       1959 – 1961
William Rittenhouse                  1961 – 1962
Dr. Alvin Lee                            1963 – 1970
Virgil Vaughn                            1970 – 1972
Carl Curtis                                1971 – 1980
Cardis Bryan                            1980 – 1982
Dr. Paul Brown                        1982 – 1983
Sheldon Zook                           1983 – 1986
Carl Curtis                                1986 – 1988
Steve Brown                            1988 – 1994
Tom Wilkes                              1994 – 2002
Lee Hartley                              2002 – 2009
Rod Ohmes                              2003 – present
Paul Martin                             2007 - 2010
John Bateman                         2009 - 2018
Jason Hamilton                      2013 – present

Ramsey Creek's Story

Ramsey Creek was established long ago in 1816 and, by God's grace, its legacy continues still today. 

The following historical account is from 1816 – 2011: The first church in all this section of the state was Ramsey Creek; organized in 1816, with Elder Stephen Ruddell as the organizing minister and first pastor.

Mr. Ruddell was taken prisoner by the Indians in their attack on Ruddell Station in Kentucky. He was carried away (probably into Canada), adopted into the tribe, married a daughter of the Chief, and accepted their customs. Years later he made his way back to Kentucky and his family. His wife soon died, he became a Christian, and began preaching after relearning his native language.

In an article written for the history of Pike County, Prof. M.S. Goodman gave this account. “This is the oldest religious organization within the limits of Pike County. It was planted in the almost unbroken forests of Calumet, and through the lapse of years that have succeeded; it has been vocal with the praises of the Christian’s God. The church has had five houses of worship. The first was located a little east of north of the present house. It was built of logs; the size was that of a single square; the logs were unhewn. It seems to have been built about 1813. The citizens united in the work. It was used for school, worship, and other neighborhood gatherings.”

About 1817 a log house was built the size of a double square, the logs hewn; the floor puncheon (split logs with their faces smoothed). This second house stood a little west of north of the present house, some 50 feet from this foundation. Each man brought a log or logs.   This house continued to be used until the first brick house was built; steps towards which were taken in March, 1830. These houses were used freely by worshipers of all denominations. The ground on which they stood belonged to Edmond Mountjoy, a founding member. On June 5, 1920, “the deed for the lot of ground where the meeting house stands was delivered by Bro. Mountjoy to the church in order to be entered on record.” 

There must have been a time when there was no house in condition for use, for the members met in various houses. 

In 1850 the church called as its pastor Elder A.G. Mitchell who served in that place for 33 years. During his pastorate the church was an active and vigorous body sending out members who formed many other churches. The discipline of the church was decided, impartial, wholesome. It was enforced against such as been found guilty of intoxication, riotous conduct, fraud, adultery, swearing, dancing, playing cards, heresy, or wounding a brother’s feelings. The commemoration of the Lord’s death was observed regularly and scripturally, or as they expressed it in the record, ‘uniformally’. 

The first mention of a stated salary for the sexton was November 1835 and it was $5.00. The first mention of a Pastor’s salary was September 1836 and it was $23.00. Each member signed a commitment with a sum which they would pay for the year.   The amount ranged from 50 cents to $10.00. The call for “Elder Landrum’s favors for two Sundays in each month” indicated the rising strength of the church

Ramsey Creek was conservative in spirit and positive in practice on the mission question

 In March 1856, the church laid plans for building a new house of worship. The house seems to have been completed towards the close of 1867, as in December of that year the building committee was instructed to get stoves for the house. This house stood where the present one stands.

Men die, but institutions may survive generations; the Church of Jesus Christ above others. The church maintained her integrity through fires and thunders of the Civil War. Not easy being a church with members of all colors. Not a doctrine was surrendered nor was discipline relaxed. In the summer of 1872, the church added over two acres to the churchyard. This gave the place of worship a homelike appearance and accommodations that gave additional pleasure to the Lord’s house. During this period, the church began helping with educating young men called of God to preach the gospel. They had enjoyed the ministries of excellent preachers and they knew that the message is judged by the messenger. “We must send those preachers whose presence, piety, words and wisdom incline those who hear to receive that truth.” To have such men, the churches began providing for their education. The church made a forward movement in Sunday school work by taking the election of the officers and the support of the school into their own hands as a part of their church business and responsibility. 

In July, 1887, the north gable of the house of worship fell in and over a third of the adjoining ceiling fell down. It was decided to build a brick house 32 x 46 feet with ceiling 18 feet high, the house to have a recess in the northern end, three windows on each side of the house and one window on each side of the recess, one double front door, surmounted by transoms, two front windows and two flues to be supplied by two stoves and the house to be topped with tin. The house was finished accordingly and nicely furnished. The cost of the house and furniture was $2,038.38. A former Pastor, Elder J.D. Biggs, was the first agent for the Baptist Sanitarium, and the church contributed liberally.

On the 27th and 28th of May 1891, Ramsey Creek had their 75th anniversary. Prof. Goodman said in the ClarksvilleSentinel, “Never have we witnessed a celebration in which there was a profounder interest manifested or where better efforts were put forth to make it a positive and unqualified successs … The people came as to a coronation, and the dignity of their bearing stamped them an assemblage of right royal men and women convening to do honor to one greater than earthly prince or potentate and whose gentle reign is destined to continue long after monarchs shall have been forgotten and kingdoms and empires shall have crumbled into dust. The handsome house was beautifully decorated; about the pulpit and alter were flowers rare and exotic, while above the alcove in letters of living green stood out in bold relief the single word, “WELCOME’. To the left of this and wrought out of the same materials were the figures 1816, signalizing the date when the first religious temple planted in these western wilds, now known as Northeast Missouri, was dedicated to the Christian’s God by those pious pioneers who had come with strong arms and an abiding faith to carve for themselves and loved ones home from the almost impenetrable forests. To the right of these same words was the date 1891.”

The 1900’s began with Ramsey Creek showing support to missions as well as growth at home. New churches in the area were supported such as Bowling Green and Winfield. Churches were pledged $100 each for a building fund. In 1911 we went from one Sunday a month with a pastor’s salary of $300 per year to two Sundays a month at $500 per year. The sexton received $50 per year. In 1915 the fence was removed from the yard and a graveled walk laid right up to the door. 

Our subscriptions to Missouri missions in 1920 included the colleges at LaGrange, Bolivar, Hardin, William Jewell College, Will Mayfield, and Stephens College; Missouri Baptist Sanitarium, Orphans Home, Home for the Aged and Ministers Aid.

Business meetings were held every month until 1924 when it went to bi-monthly, except for October 1926 when it was cancelled because the creek was rising rapidly.

An education building with classrooms and kitchen were completed and dedicated in 1962 and added to in 1979 with more classrooms and baptistery.

The historical marker in front of the church was donated by the Historical Society in 1965.

The beauty of the auditorium was enhanced by the addition of stained glass windows in 1982 as a memorial to our dear sister, Wanda Hooton.

Our community outreach was increased by the commencement of a bus ministry in 1984 with a van and a bus in 1985. Also in 1985 we increased our church yard with the gift of land behind the church.  Our men worked long hours leveling and clearing ground, landscaping and graveling. A youth building was completed on this addition in 1989. 

Ramsey Creek Baptist continued to love and serve her Lord and honor His commands. Our prayer is to maintain the honorable tradition begun in 1816 and be a beacon of love and light to all who have the joy of living in or visiting this beautiful area the Lord has made.

Continuing historical account 1991 – present:   With ambitious visions for the future, the 1990’s found this congregation planning for more growth and building expansion. The talent of men from the church and volunteer help from Alabama brought the plan together. By the spring of 1993, the fellowship area had been enlarged, the kitchen remodeled, more classrooms and restrooms added, as well as the relocation of the baptistery, fortification of the recessed area on the north end of the church and the addition of a foyer. This was all accomplished just in time for the church to be able to meet one of the most difficult challenges of recent history, “the Great Flood of 1993.” During the summer and fall of 1993, countless meals were served to people who were affected by the flood. The church was a distribution point for some supplies and groups and individuals from all over Pike County, this state and others who came to stay and lend assistance to flood victims. God had surely prepared these people with the vision to be prepared to minister as He planned.

In 1994, for the first time ever in the church’s 178-year history, a full-time pastor was called. Soon, the need was recognized that a second morning worship service should be added, so in 1999 an 8:30 am service was added to the weekly schedule. 

In 1998, Ron Sachs agreed to sell approximately 1.88 acres of land south of the church for $7,500. The land was used to expand the parking lot.

In 2001 the congregation entered the new millennium with another building expansion program. This multi-phase program included a larger fellowship area, additional classrooms, and a church office and library. 

In 2003, Rod Ohmes was hired as the first full-time Youth Pastor, also serving as the Music Director. 

The church sanctuary was remodeled in 2005. New carpet, paint and pews completed the new look in time for summer weddings. The previous pews were donated to the Paynesville AME church in Paynesville, Missouri.

In 2007, Paul Martin was hired as the first part-time Children’s Pastor. Through his leadership, the AWANA program began in September 2008.

With children, youth and church members taking mission trips, going to events, picking up children for Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, the need for additional transportation was met with the purchase of a People Mover in 2009 and then traded for a new van in 2014.

Mission trips and projects have included the youth traveling to the International United World Mission Training Center in North Carolina in 1997 to prepare the center for the annual spring conference; mission trips in 2006 to the community of Pascagoula, Mississippi to help with clean up following the devastating hurricane, Katrina; youth trips to Wyoming, Colorado and inner-city St. Louis; adopting of a child, little Axyl, through Compassion International; and projects to support World Hunger and a number of local and worldwide missionaries. 

The Women on Missions (WMU) group have continued active involvement in missions by making many children’s dresses and shorts to be sent with missionaries for distribution in the Philippines, by annually preparing fund-raising items for the Missouri Baptist Children’s home, supporting the AGAPE House project, the Christian Women’s Job Corp, Angel Tree, Nursing Home Christmas gifts, providing Bibles when needed to the ladies’ and men’s prisons, providing coats and shoes for ladies being released from prison, providing blankets for a Hispanic project, gathering hygiene supplies and stuffed animals for distribution when Caitlyn Colbert traveled to Mexico on various mission projects, and supporting the Pure Water-Pure Love project. The True Source of Power Intentional Outreach mission project began October, 2008 when the Baptist Women’s ladies took smoke detector batteries to a section of homes in Eolia while also sharing Christ (the true source of power). The spring of 2009 continued this project as we distributed batteries in Clarksville. The 2008 Mississippi River flood in Clarksville resulted in many hours donated to fill sandbags, preparation of meals, and assisting with clean-up. A Relay for Life Team was organized as a mission project for one Sunday School Class. 

Begun in 1998 as a clothes closet ministry, the Angel Wings Ministry has expanded to reach out to those in need around our community with not only physical food, but with the Life giving Spiritual Food. Meeting once a month with families, they share a meal, pray together, have Bible Study and enjoy fellowship as well as provide needed items for the families. 

In 2009, the church’s Sunday school grew to 16 classes due to number of church family attending. In 2014 the Discovering Ramsey Creek class was started to help new and prospective members understand what we believe as a church and how our church operates. Home Teams began in 2011 as an opportunity to engage in in-depth Bible study, fellowship, and prayer and continue to expand and thrive.

Today we continue to be a group of flawed and flourishing people eagerly joining together to reach our families, communities, and the world with the message of hope found only in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ.