As of June 28, 2020

We are currently meeting indoors (with social distancing in our sanctuary), and our messages can be found in audio format here.

June 21, 2020 - 10:00am

Real wisdom is humble, gentle, peaceable, open to reason, full of mercy, and genuine. Whether a person possesses godly wisdom or not will be known in their behavior - in how they live (James 3:13-18).

Solomon recognizes that he cannot understand himself or the world the way that God does, reminding his readers it was mankind who plunged the world into brokenness. The good news of the Gospel is that Jesus has become righteousness, sanctification, and redemption for every person who believes (1 Corinthians 1:30). It is only by the Spirit of God that we can become truly wise.

June 14, 2020 - 9:30am

There are glimpses of beauty in this world that we can and should stop to appreciate, but the reality is that this world is not as it should be - it's broken. This is because our world isn’t doing what it was designed to do. Solomon felt this, too, because he lived in the same world we do "under the sun".

If we're saying things like "This isn't fair" or "Where is the justice?", we have to realize that the answers lie beyond us and beyond what our broken world can answer. Only a person who's life is lived in fear of the Lord can be delivered from the brokenness of this world and their own heart.

May 31, 2020 - 9:45am

Our text this morning focuses on wealth, greed, and the search for contentment. Solomon makes clear that more wealth does not bring satisfaction. Why? First, because the love of money leads to all kinds of evil, including never-ending discontentment. The second reason that more and more wealth never brings contentment is a profound theological truth taught to us by the rappers of the 90’s: “mo money, mo problems”.

The truth is if you love money, it’s going to cost you; relationships with friends and family, sleep, and it'll cost you eternity if you don’t turn to Christ. If you make earthly riches your life’s pursuit, it will be a wasted life. Instead Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 show us a better way: enjoy the simple things in life, rejoice in your work, and be content with what you have. The key isn’t how much or how little you have, but rather how you view what you do have. In Christ we are free to recover God’s good design for how we use our money, to be content with what we have, to work hard, and to be generous with it.

Songs we're singing as a church today:
- As Long as You Are Glorified (Sovereign Grace)
- I Will Glory in My Redeemer (Austin Stone)
- All the Poor and Powerless (All Sons & Daughters)

May 24, 2020 - 9:45am

Ecclesiastes 5 starts with yet another attempt to try to find meaning in this life – religiosity (religiosity = religion without relationship). The "sacrifice of fools" is thinking that just going through religious motions wins the favor of God, but God has said all along that that kind of sacrifice/worship isn’t what He expects or wants (1 Samuel 15:22). We need to take our communication with God seriously, recognizing that He is God and we are not; He is in heaven and we are on earth. Ritualistic religiosity does not impress God – sincerity and faith do. We pray for a fresh view of God to be able to stand before Him in humility and bow before Him in awe.

Suggested songs for worship (we’ll be singing them during in-person worship this morning along with you):
- Come Thou Fount (Chris Rice)
- His Mercy Is More (Matt Papa)
- Indescribable (Chris Tomlin)

May 17, 2020 - 9:00am

In Ecclesiastes 4:4, the Preacher begins to tell us that while hard work is good (3:22), we shouldn't work hard out of jealousy of someone else or out of an attempt to fill a void in our life. Earthly stuff will never replace a relationship with Jesus. Instead of giving in to the trap of selfish striving and/or jealousy, a wise person will cooperate with others and lift other people up. We’re better together, especially as we represent Christ.
The pursuit of earthly things is ultimately meaningless, but the things done for Christ last forever. In the context of work, what sets Christian’s apart is not only what we do, but why we do it.

Suggested songs for in-home worship:
- How Firm a Foundation (Norton Hall Band)
- Jude Doxology (Mars Hill Music)
- He Will Hold Me Fast (Shane & Shane)

May 10, 2020 - 9:00am

Even from an early age, there's something inside all of us that longs for and expects justice. That's why we say things like, "That's not fair!" This shouldn't come as a surprise to us because we were made in God's image, and God is a just God.

Being an advocate for justice is a defining trait of a Christian. Make no mistake - believers will seek justice for the oppressed.

However, losing ourselves in supporting a cause, or backing a political party, or resisting a system of government, will not bring our lives ultimate meaning. Those things can never be our true hope, because you were made to be satisfied in Jesus Christ alone.

Pursue justice, show mercy, and push for change - but if you do these things without Christ it will all be vanity in the end.

Suggested songs for in-home worship:
- Overwhelmed (Big Daddy Weave)
- Jude Doxology (Ghost Ship)
- Out of the Depths (Sovereign Grace)

Download fill-in-the-blank sermon notes here.


We are really excited to start gathering together again in-person! But we want to do it with wisdom and grace. After prayerfully considering the advice of multiple healthcare workers in our area, we have decided to start doing so on Sunday, May 17th.

It will still look quite a bit different than normal, so please review our Gathering Plan (posted below) for all the details and feel free to email us with any questions.

Gathering Plan for RCBC
May 5, 2020

We eagerly long to be with one another again soon and want to prepare to do so with wisdom and grace. It’s clear that when evaluating gathering the church there is not one clear answer of how to do it right. Some of our church family will be quick to gather together in person and some will be more hesitant. Therefore, we ask that every person display extra grace with one another as we start assembling again. For this reason, we expect everyone to respect others’ personal space and continue to maintain proper social distancing guidelines.

After getting feedback from multiple healthcare workers in our area, we have decided to begin gathering in-person again on Sunday, May 17th. The health of our members and guests is imperative, so as we gather again we will be doing so outside on the front lawn for a very informal and streamlined worship service (aiming for an hour or less).

At this time, Sunday morning worship service will be our only in-person church function until further notice (ministries like Sunday School, AWANA, Youth Group, etc. will continue to be postponed throughout May).

- in-person worship services will begin May 17th @ 10am (pushed back to 11am due to weather)
- they will be held outside on the lawn (weather permitting)
- in the case of inclement weather, we will revert to in-home worship (this will be announced here, our Facebook page, & OneCall)
- sermons will continue to be available online for those who prefer to stay home or if inclement weather
- please bring blankets, lawn chairs, etc. and sit as families (think summer church picnic) (church chairs also will be available)
- the front parking spots will be reserved for those who prefer to remain in their vehicles
- bathrooms will still be accessible, but surfaces used will need to be cleaned (with provided supplies)
- those who are high risk or immune-compromised are encouraged to join again at their own discretion & pace
- if you have possibly been exposed, we encourage you to consider staying in your vehicle

We have delayed our first gathering longer in order to have a clearer picture of what’s happening with the virus as businesses continue to reopen in our state and more localized area. If things change dramatically or there are changes to the guidelines of our state/county we will adjust accordingly.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of our elders or deacons directly. We love you and are joyfully anticipating worshiping our God in-person with you again soon!

In Christ,
Ramsey Creek leadership

May 5, 2020 - 1:30pm

"In order for faith to thrive we have to look past the trial and see Him 'who raised the Lord Jesus', knowing that if Christ was resurrected that means that He 'will raise us also with Jesus and bring us with you into his presence'. As a result of the resurrection of Christ, 'we do not lose heart'."
from Jason Hamilton’s "A Right Perspective - Part 3" found at Pastor’s Articles.

May 3, 2020 - 9:00am

In our passage today from Ecc. 3:1-15, we see that there is a season/time for everything in life. God appoints the events of our lives as part of His much bigger, much wiser, but hidden plan. He stitches each season together like a master weaver creates a tapestry. The difference between whether we see our life as a mess or something beautiful is in our perspective.

What you do with your life matters to God, and what Jesus did with His life matters to you.
Everything is meaningless if you don’t have Jesus.
But if you have Jesus, everything in life has meaning.

Suggested songs for in-home worship:
- Hallelujah, What a Savior (Austin Stone)
- O Praise the Name (Hillsong)
- Christ Is Mine Forevermore (CityAlight)
- I'm Listening (Chris McClarney)

Download fill-in-the-blank sermon notes here.

April 26, 2020 - 9:00am

In Ecclesiastes 2:12-26 Solomon reminds us that the pursuit of wisdom and/or work cannot be ends in themselves any more than pleasure or self-indulgence. These things cannot be all this life is about. Listen especially to the words of Isaiah 44 this morning and consider how ridiculous it is to burn half a tree for warmth and worship the other half as god. It's similarly ridiculous to give your heart/life to work (workaholism) and then expect God to bless the chasing of idols. We easily forget that every good gift we're given is meant to point us back to God as the Giver.

Suggested songs for in-home worship:
- Build Your Kingdom Here (Rend Collective)
- He Is Exalted (Shane & Shane)
- Behold Our God (Sovereign Grace)
- Take My Heart (Norton Hall Band)

Download fill in the blank the sermon notes here.

April 19, 2020 - 9:00am

Pastor Jason leads us in looking more closely at Ecclesiastes 2:1-11.

We believe the things we see have lasting value, but how do they stack up against the eternal things we cannot see?
In truth, life apart from Christ is vanity. 

Suggested songs for in-home worship:
- O Great God (Matt Boswell)
- Sovereign Over Us (Aaron Keyes)
- I Stand Amazed (Norton Hall Band)
- Is He Worthy? (Shane & Shane)

April 17, 2020 - 9:00am

"We do not lose heart. As long as the Bible exists so can my hope in the Gospel."
- Jason Hamilton in A Right Perspective - Part 2

Read in full over at Pastor’s Articles.

April 16, 2020 - 3:00pm

In this video Rod shares some exciting announcements & introduces Jason’s upcoming sermon on Ecclesiastes 2.

EASTER SUNDAY - April 12, 2020 - 9:00am

Happy Easter! The Savior is risen!
Join us in Exodus & Psalms this morning as we talk about Shelter. Companion notes for Shelter can be found here.

Here are some great songs to worship along with this Easter Sunday, including a special song called I Have a Shelter (Sovereign Grace).
- Christ the Lord is Risen Today [He Is Not Dead] (NCC Worship)
- Turn Your Eyes (Sovereign Grace)
- Lamb of God (Verticle Church Band)
- Mercy Tree (Lacey Sturm)

April 9, 2020 - 5:30pm

One of the most memorable parts of this time of year is gathering as a church to remember Good Friday. Since we can't do that in person, we're going to gather virtually via a Zoom meeting tomorrow at 6:30pm.

We'd love for you to join us and share some Scripture that has encouraged you, a testimony of God's continued faithfulness in your life, and join us for prayer.

[If you can participate, be sure to install the Zoom app/program beforehand and join us a little before 6:30.]

Please email for the group ID and password to join in.

April 8, 2020 - 6:30pm

Here's a short thought from Rod as we prepare for Easter. The encouragement is to read Psalm 60-61 and identify all the ways David describes God as his protection, then join us again this Sunday morning for an Easter message of hope.

April 5, 2020 - 9:00am

In today's video Rod explains some changes to what we'll be doing as we go forward. He also gives some details on Easter Sunday & Good Friday, and offers some thoughts as we dive into our in-home worship times this morning.

Suggested worship songs:
- All Creatures of Our God and King (Sovereign Grace)
- Christ Is Mine Forevermore (CityAlight)
- His Mercy Is More (Matt Papa)
- Not What My Hands Have Done (Nathan Clark George)

Starting today you can find this morning’s study guide over in the Ecclesiastes Study Guide section.

April 3, 2020 - 5:00pm

A Right Perspective - Part 1 article (4-3-20) [Jason Hamilton]-page-001.jpg
A Right Perspective - Part 1 article (4-3-20) [Jason Hamilton]-page-002.jpg

March 29, 2020 - 9:00am

As you're preparing for in-home worship this morning, take a few minutes to watch this video from Rod. In it he explains what we'll be doing as we move forward, and also gives some thought on how to start worship at home today.

Here is the recommended worship song list:
- My Lighthouse (Rend Collective)
- All My Ways Are Known to You (CityAlight)
- As Long As You Are Glorified (Sovereign Grace Music)
- He Will Hold Me Fast (Shane and Shane)
- Rock of Ages (Chris Rice)

Also below is the next Ecclesiastes study guide for you to use this morning.

Enjoy worshiping the risen Savior!

March 28, 2020 - 3:00pm

March 27, 2020 - 9:00am

Today's Challenge: take a care package to your neighbor's doorstep.

[Suggestions: bag of unpopped popcorn, bottle of Gatorade, roll of toilet paper (come on, you can spare a square), candy bar, a book you've read & enjoyed, gift card, coupon for yard work, handcrafted card or picture - the possibilities are endless. You might also think about putting a note in the package about why you're doing it - you know, because of your love for the Lord and for them, too]. 

March 25, 2020 - 8:00am

Today's Challenge: let's put a new spin on Christmas caroling. This might be the best day this week, so take your family to an older neighbor's home and sing hymns with them while standing on their doorstep. Even if you don't play an instrument or think you can sing, you will encourage them & make memories you will never forget.

(Email if you need some song suggestions and lyrics, or to set up a time to pickup some hymnals).

March 24, 2020 - 11:30am

Make some time today to read this article by Aaron & Jamie Dieringer (full-time missionaries we support) - Encouragement for Isolated Families.

March 23, 2020 - 11:00am

Today's Challenge: spend some time writing notes and/or letters to specific people in your neighborhood, then drop them in the mail. Don't only think of the people you normally hang around (though you should send one to them, too :-). Send some to folks you haven't seen or talked to for a while.

This is a great activity to do with kids, too! (The church has lots of extra notebooks, crayons, & other art supplies that we would LOVE to give away for this kind of thing. Email to set up a pick up time).

March 22, 2020 - 3:30pm

In God's wisdom and sovereignty, just two weeks ago our friends at the Paynesville Bethel AME Church sent lots of pantry-type food and personal hygiene items our way. If you or someone you know could be helped by those things, please contact us at Our deacons and elders are ready to deliver (we can also do anonymous porch drop-offs).

March 22, 2020 - 9:00am

In place of gathering together this Sunday, feel free to use this short guide to get you and your family thinking about Ecclesiastes (the book we'll be studying next as a church).

Ecclesiastes - Getting Started at Home (3-22-20)-page-001.jpg